Step five is about vibrations, how everything in life has a vibration and how your vibrational offering through your feelings and thoughts materialize into circumstances and things in your life. It’s about your ability to choose. To search and receive all solutions through Source alignment in co-creation with your True Self. To stop feelings of resistance towards life by changing your focus towards the fullness of life. To expect good things to flow into your life and being eager for the becoming.
In this meditation, you learn to quiet your mind for all the districting thoughts and mind chatter of your survival system and tune yourself into your True Self-awareness. For you to receive pure positive thoughts. New elevating, non-resisting thoughts, feelings and inspirations for you to create your new day. You learn yourself to set your mind and heart to Source and expect good things to flow into your life.
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Access your infinite nature.
Reclaim your life.
Enjoy the lightness of your heart.
And always…
Always, keep your dreams alive…